The mission of the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary is to support the members of the Bethany Volunteer Fireman’s Association in their pursuit of life safety, incident stabilization, and environmental/property preservation for the citizens they serve and their respective memberships. The members of the Auxiliary will pursue their mission through activities supporting the fiscal, public service, and response support needs of the Bethany Volunteer Fireman’s Association.
Become An Auxiliary Member!
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Auxiliary, contact Amy Cogill at (203) 410-2602 or at Auxiliary meetings, held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at Fire Headquarters.
Must be 18 years of age.
Must complete application for membership in writing.
Junior membership is open for ages 14-17, follow explorer guidelines.
Applicants must demonstrate interest and good faith through attendance of three consecutive business meetings. (If you may have any issues attending three in a row, that is no problem we can discuss)
During this third business meeting, the application, recommendation, and show of good faith will be reviewed. Also at this time, applicant may be voted into membership by a majority vote in an executive session during the regular business meeting.
After being voted in and payment of dues, the applicant will become known as a “member in good standing.”
Current members must complete membership application annually.
This page is not monitored 24/7. For all emergencies call 911.